Main activities
Provision of emergency with acute diseases: internal and external bleeding from the genitals (an ectopic pregnancy, rupture of cysts, miscarriages, abnormal uterine bleeding); acute inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages.
Planned treatment:
treatment of uterine fibroids (conservative myomectomy, embolization of uterine vessels, laparotomic and laparoscopic hysterectomy (removal); Good quality ovarian disease a cyst; Treatment of infertility; plastic surgery for prolapse of the vaginal walls; Cosmetic correction of the external genitalia; Interrupt pregnancy up to 12 weeks
Самый лучший доктор, очень внимательный и отзывчивый! Елена Михайловна, благодарю Вас🙌
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2022-05-23 03:43:57