Профессиональная информация

An official member of the International Association of surgical trauma and orthopedic «SICOT»
Author of 2 innovation patents for inventions, 10 patents for inventions, 47 scientific articles, and 2 methodical recommendations.

Main activities
    Traumatology, orthopedics
    Highly specialized orthopedic - trauma care on the lines of sanitary aviation in all regions of Kazakhstan with modern concepts of «damage control» in the treatment of polytrauma;
    The complex and minimally invasive reconstructive surgery for fractures of the pelvic ring and acetabulum;
    Endoprosthesis of large joints: the hip and knee (performance audit operation in hemophilic arthropathy), as well as joint replacement of the shoulder and elbow joints;
    Indoor minimally invasive osteosynthesis intremedullyarny lockable plates at about and articular fractures of long bones of the extremities;
    Closed intramedullary blocking minimally invasive osteosynthesis rods for fractures of the long bones of the limbs;
    Transpedicular fixation with cages of fractures and diseases of the spine;
    Transosseous osteosynthesis rod apparatus and spoke in the treatment of fractures in all segments of the musculoskeletal system.


Алладан берген даригер. Омир жасы узак болсын

Махметов Руслан Амангазиевич 2021-02-20 05:35:00


Адекватный человек.

Мусагалиев Озамат Оркадьевич 2024-01-31 10:55:42

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